Gahu/ Genhu
Triticum aestivum
Aestivum Wheat varieties - HD -2189,HD- 2610,NIAW-301,NI- 5439,N-59, MACS-9, MACS 1967, N5439, N 8223,NIDW-15 (Panchwati), AKDW 2997-16 (Sharad).LOK-1, HD 2278, HI 977,MACS 2496, MACS 6222, NIAW 34
Durum Wheat varieties - Raj 1555, MACS 2694, MACS 2846, MACS 3125
Wheat is rabi crop.
1. It is a temperate crop but can be grown in tropical and sub tropical zone
2. Wheat requires cool, dry and clear weather.
3. Optimum temperature as low 5-7)c and high 26-280c
4. Hot and humid weather is harmful because it encourages rapid spread of fungus diseases like rust.
5. Dry sunny days and cool nights result in dew formation tha tis very helpful for crop.
6. Average rainfall between 750-1600 mm.
1. Well drained loms and clayey loams are considered to be good for wheat.
2. Sandy loams and black soils also good for wheat growing.
3. Soil PH should be 6.5 to 7.5.
4. Below 5.1 and above 9 pH crop completely fail.
5. Medium to heavy fertility and with good moisture retentive capacity are ideal for wheat.
Wheat requires a fine friable and compact seed bed. There should be neither clods nor dust like mulch. For better penetration of roots, deep ploughing is essential. Land is ploughed immediately after the harvest of previous crop to a depth of 15-20 cm. then clod crushing is done followed by 3-4 harrowing . Collection of stubble , weed plants and other plant residues of previous crops. Land is levelled properly so as to facilitate uniform distribution of irrigation water.
The iuse of healthy and disease free seed is essential for the successful crop of wheat . It is necessary to protect crop from seed born fungal disease. Seed should be purchased from a reliable source. Always use certified seed.
1) Seed treat with vitavax or thirum @ 3 g/kg of seed. This treatment will check the damage from flag smut foot rot and wilt diseases.
2) Solar heat treatment is used for loose smut.
3) For Nitrogen fixation wheat should be treated with Azotobactor biofertilizer @ 250 gm/10 kg of seed.
The sowing of wheat should be carried out when there is sufficient moisture in the soil. If sufficient (25-50 mm) precipitation is received at least one week before sowing then presoaking irrigation is not required. If there is no rainfall then one pre soaking irrigation needs to be given before sowing.
Proper time of sowing of wheat is 15 th November and late upto - 15 th December
Sowing is done by two bowl seed drill with the spacing of 22.5 cm. Seed should be sown at the depth varying from about 3-5 cm for easy emergence.
100 kg / ha. For bold seeded and shy tillering varieties use 125 kg seed /ha.
a) Thinning
b) Weeding and hoeing- two weeding and one hoeing are given to control the weeds.
Apply 25-30 CL FYM (12-15 t/ha) compost is before last harrowing. Dose of fertilizer required for wheat is 120:60:40 kg NPK/ha. Half the quantity of N and full dose of P 2 O 5 and K 2 Ois given at the time of sowing and remaining half dose of N is given at the time of first irrigation i.e. 18 to 21 days after sowing.
Normally 5-6 irrigations are required to wheat crop. First irrigation should be given 18 to 21 days after sowing and further irrigation interval should be kept 18-21 days.
1) Rust- wheat is infested by brown yellow and black rusts .Control measures
1) Grow rust resistance varieties.
2) Spray 0.2 % Zineb or Dithane M-45 and 0.1 % Sandovit (Sticker) as soon as pustulkes appear. 2 nd and 3 rd spray may be repeated with an interval of 10-15 days.
2) Loose smut
1) Growing loose smut resistant varieties
2) Treating seed with Vitavex @ 2.5 gmper kg of seed before sowing.
3) Uprooting the infected plants burying it underground or burning it.
1) Wheat crop is attacked by Termites, Army worms, Aphids and Rodents and stem
borer. For control of this spraying of Dimethate 30 EC 500 ml or Endosulphan 35 EC 700 ml/ha 500 lit of water.
2) For rat control use Zink Phosphide.
i) Leaves and stem turn yellow
ii) Plants become fairly dry and brittle
iii) Grains become hard
iv) To avoid loss in yield crop should be harvested before it is dead ripe.
v) The proper stage of harvesting is when about 15% moisture in grains.
vi) Generally wheat crop matures 110-120 days after sowing.
1) Threshing is done by trampling wheat plants under the feet of bullocks or mechanical thresher. Then winnowing is done and grains are cleaned. Grains are dried in hot sunlight about 2-3 day and stored properly.
2) Combine harvesting threshing and winnowing is carried out at a time by using combine harvester.
Average yield of timely / normal sown varieties of wheat crop is 45-50 Q/ha.
Storage of grains of wheat is in Storage Bins, Gunney bags , Polythene bags etc.
Wheat grain is for Wheat flour , Macroni, noodles , Bread and making bakery products, Chapatis, Papad
i) It is the most important staple food grain crop of half the population in the world that of North India.
ii) In India it is the second imp. Food grain crop being next to rice.
iii) About 80-85 % of wheat consumption is in the form of chapatees.
iv) Wheat grain contains starch , solube sugars cellulose and hemi cellulose , fat
various mineral like p and Fe, Vitamines (Thiamin, riboflavin and nicotinic acid) and
most important of all the proteins, Chiefly its gluten conten and particularly the
lysine content of the proteins. The gluten content largely affects the quality of bread
and other pastry production.
v) It contains 11-14 % proteins .
vi) Wheat straw is used for the manufacturing of hard boards and as a fodder for the
cattle also used for preparation of straw bed for mashroom growing.
Grading and cleaning should be packaged in 30 kg bags.
Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthanm Madyapradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, karnataka, and Punjab
All the cities in India and Maharashtra