
Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Curcuma longa

Improved Varities and Hybrids

 Improved varieties- Phule swarupa, Selam, Krushna, Rajapuri

Season for Sowing /Planting

 Proper season for planting turmeric is Kharif season May to July month for planting

Climate Requirement

1) Tropical crop requiring warm and humid climate.

2) Temperature range between 24 0c to 28 oc.

3) Growth ceases when teperature falls below 20 oc.

4) Thrives well in lacalities with annual rainfall from 70- 225 cm.

5) Can be grown at an altitude of 1200 m.

Soil Requirement

1) Different kinds of soils such as sandy loam to clay loam or alluvial soils are suitable. Well drained loamy soils are the best for turmeric.

2) Soil should be rich in organic matter and uniform in texture.

3) Rich loamy soils having natural drainage and irrigation facilities are the best.

4) Turmeric cannot withstand water stagnation or alkalinity.

Field Preparation

Land is ploughed 15-20 cm deep arid exposed to sun for one month. 2-3 crosswise harrowing are given. Temperary ridges are opened to prevent soil erosion on slopy lands.

Seed Treatment

Quinolphos 25 EC (20ml) + Carbendizum 50 WP (10gm) + 10 Liter water or Dimethoate 30 EC (10 ml) + Mancozeb 75 WP (30 gm) + 10 Liter water for 100 to 120 kg seed. Dipping the seeds 15-20 minutes or Rhizomes are treated with 50 lindane powder and Bavistine by dipping for 15-20 minutes for prevention of diseases and rhizomes fly during early period.

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

1) Flat Beds- used under rainfed conditions where soils are light. Flat beds 1 meter width and of suitable length varying according to the slope of land are prepared.

2) Ridges and furrows- under irrigated conditions where the land is levelled or plain and soils are heavy planting is on ridges and furrows opened at 75 cm distance and having 3-3.5 m length.

Sowing Time

Proper time of plantig 15th May to first week of June.

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

On flat bed = 25 x 25 cm On ridges and furrows = 40-60 x 25 cm.

Plant Population


Seed Rate

Apropriate mother sets(Rhizomes) 25 to 30 Qtls /ha

Inter culturing operations

a) Mulching - Done when planted on raised beds, 2-3 mulching are given, 1st immediately after planting and 2nd and 3rd at an interval of 40-50 days. b) Earthing up – to avoid exposure of developing underground rhizomes to sun due to soil erosion. Done with light digging 2-2.5 months after planting. c) Weeding- crop is kept weed free during first 4-6 weeks. Total 5-6 weedings are given.

Nutrient Management

Before planting 50-80 cartload FYM mixed with soil. Apply 200 kg N, 100 kg P and 100 kg K. Before planting give 100 kg P and 100 kg K. Nitrogen gives in two splits 6 weeks after sowing and 10-12 weeks after sowing.

Water Management - methods of irrigations

1) First irrigation given before planting.

2) Second is given just after planting.

3) Subsequent irrigations are given at 7-10 days interval depending on soil.

4) Total 20-25 irrigations are given during the life period of the crop.

Weed Management

5 to 6 weedings are given.

Disease Management

Leaf blight, leaf spot- Mancozeb or Carbendizum 10 gm per 10 liter of water. Rhizome rot- Tricoderma 5 gm /liter of water.

Insect and Pest management

Rhizome fly – Quinolphos 20 ml in 10 liter water or Phorate 10 % 20 kg /ha. Bed bug- endosulphan 15 ml or Monocrotophos 14 ml /10 of water.

Special Information


Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Starts from February and continues till April. Rhizomes are ready for harvest in 7-9 months after planting. Turmeric is harvested when leaves start yellowing and ultimately the stem dries down.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

The plants are cut close to the ground. The crop is irrigated lightly for easy digging. Fingers are separated from mother rhizomes.


Average fresh rhizomes yield – 250-300 Qtls /ha Average Cured yield – 60-75 Qtls /ha


Rhizomes for seed are heaped in the shade of trees or in well ventilated sheds and covered with turmeric leaves. Sometimes the heap is plastered over with earth mixed with cow dung.

Post harvest Technology

Turmeric oil, Turmeric powder

Economic Importance

1) Turmeric posder in spices

2) Ayurvedic purpose

3) Used in different medicines as well as in cosmetics

4) Used as conditioner.

5) Used medicinally for external application and consumed as stimulant.

Processing and Packaging

1) Boiling of turmeric rhizomes , dried in sunlight for the preperation of turmeric powder.

2) A volatile oil is obtained by steam distillation of ground turmeric after 8-10 hours. Aroma of oil is due to tumerone and arturerous.

3) Turmeric oleroresin is obtained by solvent extraction method and is highly valued.

Major production areas in India

Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Maharashtra.

Major Markets in India
Export Opportunities