
Local Name


Family Name

 Poaceae / Gramineae

Botanical Name

Saccharum officinarum Saccharum barberi Saccharum spontaneum

Improved Varities and Hybrids

CO 419, CO 740, CO 7219 (Sanjeevani), COM 7125 (Sampada), CO 7527, CO 8014 (Mahalaxmi), COC 671, CO 86032 (Nira), CO 94012 (Phule savitri), COM0265 (Phule 265), CO 92005, COSVI 9805, CO 812, CO 8153, CO 997

Season for Sowing /Planting

The time of planting is governed mairly by weather conditions. Spring and autumn planting are two important planting season , suru, preseasonal and adsali.

Climate Requirement

Sugarcane is tropical crop and thrives best in the regions of 750 to 1200 mm rainfall. Hot humid climate- during groweth period Cool and dry climate- during growth maturity

Deficient rainfall produces a fibrous cane, while heavy rain result in low sugar content in cane.

Germination- for quick and higher germination the daily temperature should be about 20 – 32 0c. Below 10 0c and above 40 0c temperature germination is suppressed humidity above 50%. Optimum temperature for tillering is 26-32 0c. Tillering is increased in bright sunshine with large day length and hot weather favours tillering. Optimum humidity required for this crop is 65-70 %

Optimum temperature for growth is 27-30 0c. Coole and dry climate with less than 50% relative humidity is beneficial for riperning of cane. The minimum temperature of 11 0c is ideal for cane ripening.

Soil Requirement

Sugarcane can be grown in all types of soil ranging from sandy loam to clay loam. Well drained medium deep to moderately heavy soils (60-120 cm depth) high in organic matter content. It can tolerate moderate acidity and alkalinity (pH 5.5 to 8.50 but soils with slight acidity or with pH 6.0 preferred for higher crop yields. Soil rich in P and Ca good for juice quality. Soil rich in Fe and ca good for sugar recovery. 

Field Preparation

Sugarcane does not require extremely fine seed bed as required for other cereals . The land should be ploughed crosswise deep upto 25-30 cm followed by clod crushing and 2-3 harrowings are required. 20 CL FYM should be added before 2nd ploughing mix well in the soil by harrowing open the ridges and furrows at distance of 100-120 cm in medium and hevy soils. Length of ridges and furrows should be 50-60 metres. Add remaining ½ dose of manures (20 CL) FYM at the time of planting. 

Seed Treatment

1) Soaking in water

by soaking the sets in ater the fresh weight of seed material is increased by 2 to 4 % which results in better germination. Soak the seed material in water for 12 to 24 hrs . Soaking in water is useful when seed material is stailed.

2) Lime water treatment

If the seed material is of more age and showing dry eye buds. Setts are soaked in lime water for 24 hrs. lime water is prepared by dissolving 500 gm of lime in 180 liter of water. This improves germination of dry eye buds.

3) Mercurial compounds seed treatment

 setts are dipped in 100 lit water + 100 gm Bavistin + 300 ml Malathion for 10 minutes.

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

1) heavy soil= dry method on ridges and furrows 2) Light soil= wet method on ridges and furrow 3) Paired row / patta method

Sowing Time

Planting time of

Suru sugarcane = 15th  December – 15th  February

Preseaonal sugarcane  = 15th  October – 15th  November

Adsali sugarcane – 15th  July – 15th  August

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

Heavy soil= 120 cm

Light soil= 90-100 cm

Paired row / patta method= 75 to 15 cm or 90 to 180 cm

Plant Population
Seed Rate

Approximate seed rate for one eye bud setts = 30,000/ha. Approximate seed rate for Two eye bud setts= 25000/ha. Approximate seed rate for Three eye budded setts = 25000 /ha 

Inter culturing operations

Earthing up= sugarcane needs light earthing up to 12-16 weeks after planting. It is done by small iron plough or mannually. (3-3.5 months) Final earthing up should be done 20 24 weeks after planting by iron plough or ridger. Mulching- The cane trash use as mulch to conserve moisture. Detrashing- removal of dried leaves from lower parts of plants called detrashing. Wrapping and propping of sugarcane- to provide mechanical support to the grown up cane plants to prevent lodging and mostly adopted in Andhra Pradesh.Gap filling- 6-8 weeks after  planting .

Nutrient Management


Time of giving fertilizers













At the time of sowing










6-8 weeks DAS










12-16 weeks DAS










Grand growth stage





















30 tonnes /ha

25 tonnes /ha

20 tonnes /ha

Water Management - methods of irrigations

Drip irrigation and flood system of irrigation are used for sugarcane. Suru sugarcane 280 and 32 irrigation. Tillering and early growth – 5 cm depth Grand growth = 7.5 cm depth Maturity = 5.6 cm depth Effective root zone= 90 cm Adsali sugarcane – 415 ha cm and 38 irrigations with Tillering and early growth= 6 cm depth Grandgrowth= 10 cm depth Maturity= 5-6 cm depth Effective root zone= 90 cm Preseasonal sugarcane = 350 ha . cm and 32 to 35 irrigation

Weed Management

At initial stages weed control is more important In suru planting 2-3 times weeding In preseasonal planting 3-4 times weeding In Adsali planting= 4-5 times weeding Weedicides should be applied preemergence after planting but before emergence of weed or Metribuzine 1.0 – 1.5 kg /ha in 500-600 liter of water or 2,4-D (fernoxone) 1-1.5 kg /ha in 500 -600 liter of water or Glyphosate (Round up/Glycil) 0.6 – 1.6 kg /ha in 400-500 liter of water before planting sugarcane sets.

Disease Management

Red rot, smut, pineapple disease, Wilt, Ratoon stunting disease, Grassy shoot disease, leaf scald, Yellow leaf spot, Eye spot

Insect and Pest management

Early shoot borer ,Top borer,Scale insect,White fly,White grub, White wooly aphid, Mealy bug. To control this pest Phorate 10 % 6-8 kg /acre or methly demeton 25 % EC or Diamethoate 30% EC or Endosulphan 35% EC 15 ml in 10 liter water  2-3 sprayings. For white fly Malathion 50 % EC 20 ml in 10 liter water.

Special Information
Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Sign of maturity 1) leaves become yellow. 2) Plants stop growing and emergence of arrows in case of flowering varieties. 3) Swelling of eye buds. 4) Breaking of cane at nodes. 5) Increase sweetness of juice. 6) Cane gives metallic sound when tapped with fingernail at the internodes. 7) Brix reading should be 19-24 0c at the time of harvesting. 8) hand refractometer reading should be 21 to 24 0c.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Harvesting is done by cutting the plant at bottom with sharp chopper , detrash the trash and cut the top.


Average yield for

Suru planting= 100 tonnes /ha

Preseasonal planting= 125 tonnes /ha

Adsali= 150 tonnes /ha

Post harvest Technology

Sugarcane juice, jaggery, Sugar Industry, paper Industry and Alcohol Industry.

Economic Importance

1) Sugar industry is the largest agro based processing industry  next only to textile in india having 450 sugar factories. 2) Sugarcane is a multiple product commodity crop. It produces about 10 tonnes sugar 4 tonnes Molassses, 3 tonnes filter cake, 9.3 tonnes furnace ash, 30 tonnes bagasse 150 KW electricity. 3) It serves as af ood , fuel fibre, fodder and foregin exchange earner. 4) It provides useful raw material to over 25 types of Industries which utilize its different components to produce sugar jaggery and khandsari. 5) it is also used in different agro industrial coproducts like alcohol fuel chemicals paper boards antibiotics, cattle feed and electricity. 6) sugarcane trash can be used as mulch and compost making

Processing and Packaging

Sugarcane Industry, Jaggery , Alcohol and Paper Industry.

Major production areas in India

Brazil, Pakistan, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, indonesia, Hawai, India In India Sugarcane is cultivated throughout the country except hilly tracts in jammu and Kashmir, Himachl pradesh and North eastern parts.

Major Markets in India
Export Opportunities