
Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Glycine max

Improved Varities and Hybrids

PK 1029, JS 335, MACS 450, Phule Kalyani (DS 228), Phule Agrani (KDS 3440) KS-103, MACS 13, MACS 58, MACS 124, MACs 450, JS 9305, JS 9041, PK 472.

Season for Sowing /Planting

Kharif and summer seasons for sowing of soyabean crop. 

Climate Requirement

Soybean grows very well in moist and humid . Optimum temperature is 30 0c for pod setting temperature should be 26- 30 0c. Rainfall requi9res 600-750 mm.

Soil Requirement

Well drained, fertile sandy loam soil is essential for this crop. pH should be rang between 6.5 to 7.5 . sodic and saline soil is harmful. Water logging during early stage is harmful. 

Field Preparation

Fine seed bed , free from clods and stubble. One ploughing after harvest of previous crop. Clod crushingand 2-3 harrowings, stubbles collection before last harrowing apply 25 CL FYM /ha and well mixed in soil. 

Seed Treatment

1) Seed treated with Carbendezum @ 2.5 g or Trichoderma 5 gm /kg of seed to control fungal and soil borne disease.

2) Seed treated with Rhizobium @ 250 gm/10 kg of seed.

3) Seed treated with PSB @ 250 gm/10 kg of seed. 

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

Drilling by using two bowl seed drill and dibbling methods are used for sowing.

Sowing Time

In kharif sowing is done in 3rd week of June to 1st fortnight of July. In summer sowing is done in 15th February to 15th march.

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

In heavy soil distance between two rows is 45 cm and distance between two plants is 10 cm. or In medium soil distance between two rows is 30 cm and distance between two plants is 5 cm.

Plant Population
Seed Rate

 For drilling method seed rate is 75 kg/ha and for dibbling method seed rate is 45-50 kg/ha.

Inter culturing operations

Thinning should be done whenever necessary 

Nutrient Management

Before last harrowing apply 25 CL FYM /ha and well mixed in soil. 50 kg N : 75 kg P /ha as basal dose. If soil is deficient in S then apply 20 kg /ha Gypsum and if soil is deficient in zink then apply 5 kg ZnSO4 /ha. 

Water Management - methods of irrigations

Water required for soybean is 30-35 ha cm. Water required at the time of branching development stage (30-35 days after sowing), flowering stage (45-50 days after sowing), pod development stage (60-70 days after sowing).

Weed Management

One hoeing after 15-20 days after sowing followed by 1 hand weeding to keep field free from weed. For the control of weed spraying of 2.5 liter Fluchloralin in 700 to 800 liter of water in the soil. Hoeing is done after 15 to 20 days after sowing.

Disease Management

1) Early kharif sowing in 15th  May to 25th  June.

2) Grow resistant varieties  Phule Kalyani (DS 228), Phule agrani (KDS-344), KS 103.

3) Spraying of Propocenazol or Hexacenozol @ 500 ml/ha.


Insect and Pest management

1) Leaf eating catterpillar/hairy catterpillar- sowing of border rows line of caster as a trap crop. Spraying of monocrotophos @ 750 ml or cypermethrin @ 700 ml or quinolphos @ 1000 ml in 500 liter of water. 2) Stem fly- soil application of Phorate 10 kg /ha.

Special Information


Proper stage of crop for harvesting

When soybean plants mature leaves starts dropping the pods become dry. Moisture content seed is 14-17 %.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Plants are cut at ground level and allow to dry in field for 5-7 days. Threshing is done by soybean mechanical thresher or any conventional method.


Average yield of soybean is  20-25 Qtls /ha


grading and cleaning - stored in storage bins, gunny bags, polythene bags.

Post harvest Technology

Flour, Soya Milk, beverages , Candy, Soya snackes

Economic Importance

1) Contain high quality protein 40-45 %.

2) Quality of protein is equivalent to meat, eggs and milk. Products. The fortification of wheat flour with 5 %      soybean flour double the nutritive value of bread. 

3) Soybean seed contain oil about 18-20%.

4) Soybean is called wonder crop. From soybean soya beverage , soya milk, soya curd, Panner (Tofu) ,          soya nut, soya candy , soya snacks, soya crunch.

5) Soybean oil is used in paint Industry, Vanish, Cosmetics, Cellulloides, Rubber. 6) Soybean plant is               used as animal feed, mix crop , cover crop.

7) It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen.8) it is used as green manure crop.

Processing and Packaging

Grading , packing in 30 kg poythene bags, or gunny bags.

Major production areas in India

USA, China, Brazil, Argentina In India Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Utter Pradesh.

Major Markets in India
Export Opportunities