
Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Sesamum Indicum

Improved Varities and Hybrids

Improved varieties- Phule Til No -1, Tapi (JLT-7), Padma (JLT-26), JLT-408, G- 1,2,3

Season for Sowing /Planting

Kharif season for sowing of sesamum crop. It is also cultivated in rabi season.

Climate Requirement

Basically tropics and subtropics. Low temperature during flowering result in pollen sterility and premature flower drop. Mean temperature is 25-27 0 c for germination, initial growth and flower formation.

Soil Requirement

This crop is grown in various types of soil. Sandy loam soil is ideal. pH of soil should be range in 5.5 to 8.0 . Well drained and fertile soil with medium in texture required for  sesamum cultivation.

Field Preparation

Sesamum is small in size hence fine and compact seedbeds are required. Land is ploughed after harvesting of previous crop followed by clod crushing and two harrowings are necessary. Apply 5 tones FYM/ha before last harrowing and mix with soil.

Seed Treatment

1) Seed treatment with thiram @ 4 gm/kg of seed to control soil borne diseases.

2) Seed soaking in solution of 0.025 % Agrimycin for 30 minutes for bacterial leaf spot..

3) Seed treated with biofertilizer (Azatobacter) @ 250 gm/10kg of seed.

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

Drilling method is used for sowing of seasamum.

Sowing Time

Kharif season:- Optimum time for sowing is done in 2 nd week of June to 1 st week of July and Rabi season :- 1-30 October

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

Distance between two rows is 45 cm and

Distance between two plants is 10 cm


Distance between two rows is 30 cm and

Distance between two plants is 10 cm is also used.

Plant Population
Seed Rate

optimum sweed rate is 2.5 to 3 kg /ha.

Inter culturing operations

Thinning- is done after three weeks of sowing.

Nutrient Management

Apply FYM 5 tones/ha or 1 tines caster cake or Neem cake at the time of sowing.

25 kg N at the time of sowing and remaining 25 kg n after 3 weeks of sowing. If

soil is deficient in sulphur apply sulphur @ 20 kg s /ha as basal dose.

Water Management - methods of irrigations

Water required for this crop is 50 ha . cm. Give water at the time of

1) 4-5 leaf stage = 25-30 days after sowing

2) Flowering stage- 45-50 days after sowing

3) Capsule development 65-70 days after sowing.

Weed Management

1 st weeding and hoeing is done 15-20 days after sowing.

2 nd weeding and hoeing is done 30-35 days after sowing.

Disease Management

Alternaria and blast – for this spraying of Mancozeb 75% 1.25 kg + streptocyclin

50 gm or copper oxychloride 1.25 kg + streptocyclyin 50 gm per 500 lit of water.

Insect and Pest management

Leaf eating catterpiller and Aphids- for the control of ehese pests Endosulphan

35% EC 700 ml or Quinolphos 25%EC 1000 ml or Fenverlet 20% EC 250 ml in

500 lit of water or Carbaryl powder 2 kg in 500 lit of water.

Special Information
Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Sesamum matured in 80-85 days after sowing. Leaves and capsule become yellow

and defoliation starts. The capsule from base matures first.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Crop should not be allow to stand in the field upto dead ripe stage otherwise they

will be considerable lose in yield due to shattering.

The crop is harvest at physiological maturity. Plants are cut at ground level and

bundled. These bundles are kept errect upside position on threshing floor for

drying 5-7 days. Threshing is done by shaking and beating the bundle with stick.


6-8 Qtls/ha.


Stored in storage bins , gunney bags, polythene bags.

Post harvest Technology

Oil, Chikki, In masala making

Economic Importance

1) Sesamum seed contain oil about 45-50 % , 18-25% protein, 21-25% CHO, 1%

Ca, 0.7 % P.

2) 78% produce sesamum used for oil extraction and remaining 20% is used for

domestic purpose (Sweets, Candy, Culinary Purpose) and 2% is for seed sowing.

3) Oil is used for preperation of scented oil.

4) Formulation of antacids , oilments.

5) Manufacture of margarin, cosmetics , paints, soaps, perfumes, insecticides,

pharmaceutical products.

6) Sesamum oil is used in salad, pickle, cooking.

7) Cake is used to feed to animal and poultry feed.

Processing and Packaging

Grading and packaged in 10 kg or 30 kg gunny bags.

Major production areas in India

Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhyapradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat.

In Maharashtra Jalgaon, dhule, Budhana, Akola, Jana, Aurangabad

Major Markets in India

Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat.

Export Opportunities