Satu / Jav
Hordeum vulgare
1) Hulled varieties- Ratna, Jyoti, Kailas, Vija, RS-6
2) Huskless varieites- Karan-3, 16 (Nilam), Amber
3) Malting varieties- C-138, RS-6, RD-57, RD-137, Clipper , Ambor
4) Salt tilerance varities- Karan-16, karan- 18, 19 Jyoti karan- 3, 4, Azad, Bilara, Vijay
5) Suitable for hilly areas- Kaiash, himani, Dolma, NP-100, NP 13, 21, 103
6) Other varieites- BHS-46, BG-105, BG-25, BH-39, DL-36, 70, 85, HBL-3, IB-
65, K-226, 257, 287, K-141, 169, 252, P-103, PL-56, Rajkiran, RD-31, 117, 137, RDB-1
Barley is a rabi season crop.
It requires cool climate. It is a rabi season crop. It is grown successfully in subtropical and tropical region. It requires a mean daily temperature of about 12 0 c to 15 0 c. during the growing season and about 30 0 c during ripening and maturity. Higher temperature coupled with dry winds during later stages of crop result in poor grain filling and chaffy seeds resulting in lower yield and poor quality grains. Barley crop has low water requirement than wheat crop. It is highly drought tolerant and can be grown with lesser soil moisture. An annual average rainfall of 400-500 mm (40-50 cm) with result in increased yield. It is basically a long day plant. Thus a light period of 10-12 hrs during vegetative growth and 12 -14 hrs during reproductive growth would be ideal for barley crop.
Barley thrives best on well drained , fertile light to medium loam soil. On heavier soils, it has tendency to lodge. Being a salt tolerant crop, it can grow well even in salt effected soils, during the early phases of the reclamation of these soil. It gives higher yields than wheat and other cereal crops on moderately saline alkali soils. Soil pH range is 6.5 to 7.8
It requires less cultivation than wheat. In northern India the land is ploughed once with iron plough or 4-5 times with deshi plough to get the desired. It requires a good seed bed. The saline alkali land should be prepared, planked and left undisturbed for about a week before sowing . So that the salt move from the lower soil layers to the upper soil zone and root zone becomes relatively free from the salt.
a) Seed is soaked in cold water over night at normal temperature for better germination. Rainfed and saline soils.
b) Seed is treated with 1:1 mixture of Thiram + Bavistin or Vitavex @ 2.5 g/kg of seed may be used for an effective control of loose smut and covered smut and controlling seed borne disease.
drilling with two bowl seed drill.
Timely irrigated sowing- Middle of October to middle of November
Irrigated late swon- Upto middle of December
Rainfed sown- 2 nd fortnight of October.
Irrigated normal sowing row to row distance= 22.5 cm
Irrigated late sowing row to row distance = 20 cm
Rainfed sowing row to row distance = 22.5 cm
Irrigated normal / timely sowing average seed rate = 75- 80 kg /ha
Irrigated / late sowing average seed rate = 100-120 kg/ha
Weeding and hoeing – one hoeing and one hand weeding after first irrigation at 25-30 days after sowing gives effective control.
Rainfes crop- well decomposed FYM @ 8-10 tones /ha mixed in soil at the time of last harrowing. Irrigated crop- FYM @ 10-15 tones/ha N P K Rainfed crop 30-40 kg 20 kg 20 kg Irrigated timely sowing 60-80 kg 30 kg 30kg Late sown crop 60-80 kg 30 kg 30 kg For rainfed crop entire dose of NPK is given at the time of sowing For irrigated crop split application of half the dose of N and full dose of P2O5 and K2O at sowing time and the remain half dose of n with first irrigation at a top dressing is advantageous. Excess N affects the malting and brewing quality of grain adversely. Superphosphate helps to neutralize its deleterious effects.
Total water requirement of barley crop is 35.5 Generally it needs 2-3 irrigations. One or two extra irrigations are required on sandy soils.
Critical growth stages for irrigations
1) At tillering stage= 25-30 days after sowing
2)At flowering stage= 60-65 days after sowing
3)At grain filling stage- 80-85 days after sowing
Most common and effective herbicide to kill weed is 2,4-D. it is available in market under different trade names viz;Bladex G, Weeder, Bladex C, Weedone, Tafacide, Fernoxone. It is sprayed @ 1.25 kg in 500-600 lit of water after 32-35 days after sowing.
Leaf spots, Powdery mildew, Rusts, yellow black smuts
Termites and Aphids
Malting in barley- malting consists of germinating barley seeds for a limited
period and then drying and lightly cooking the pregerminated seeds. The products
from which the dried rootlet (sprout culums) has been seperated is called malt.
Malt is an intermediary in several manufacturing process. Malt types differ
depending on their intended uses e.g manufacture of malt flourers, malt extracts
cereal syrups various types of distilled spirits beers and malt vinegar.
1) Plants turn yellow and dry up.
2) Grains become hard
3) Mosture content drops around 18-20 %
4) Plants become brittle and rigid.
5) Stem breaks down with slight pressure.
6) Fast winds make plants lean and lodge.
Barley crop matures 15-20 days earlier than wheat crop i.e. about 85-90 days.
Any delay in harvest results in shattering of ears and loss of grains.
crop is harvested by cutting at ground level by using sharp sickle. It should be harvested in forenoon before the spikes become too dry and fraigile for handling. Tied in bundles. Now a days crop is harvested by combine harvester. After harvestig the crop it is dried 4-5 days on threshing yard. Threshing is done by trampling under the feet of bullocks. It also hreshed with threshing machine. Then winnowing is done. Again dry the grains in sunlight upto 12% moisture.
(Qtls /ha) –Average yield of rainfed barley = 8-10 Qtls/ha and
Irrigated barley grain yield = 20-25 Qtls /ha
grading and cleaning . Stored the grains properly in storage bins , gunny bags, Polythene bags.
Energy drinks, Beverages, vinegar, alcohol and green fodder
1) Grains have 8-10 % protein, good amount of carbohydrates (74%) minerals, vitamins B complex and 1.3 % fat.
2) It is consumed by poor people as chapati.
3) Grain is roasted and ground and used as sattu.
4) The energy rich drinks like bounvita, boost , Horlicks, Maltova etc. are prepared from the malt extracts of barley.
5) Due to consumptionof barley reduce the cholestrol levels in liver and plasma.
6) It is also used in malting for manufacturer of beer, whisky, Brandy and other products as industrial alcohol and vinegar.
7) Malt syrup is also used utilized for making candlies, medicines and in textile Industry.
8) It is used in many religious rites.
9) Used as green fodder and its straw is feed to cattle.
10) Grains make a palatable and nutritious live stock feed.
11) Grains are also used as feed for pigs and poultry birds.
Cleaning , grading and packed gunny bags
Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Punjab,. UP is largest producer of barley in India. In Maharashtra very negligible area is under this crop.