Kardai / Kusumbha / Kusum
Carthamum tinctorius
a) Spiny varities- Bhima (S-4) , Girna, Sharada, Tara, Phule kusuma (JLSF 414) , Nagpur -7, NARI-15, 38, AKS -207, Parbhani kusum (Resistant to aphids), N-62- 8, PBNS-12
b) Non spiny varities- PBNS-40, NARI-6, SSE 658 Hybrids- DSH-129, NH-1
safflower commonly cultivated in rabi season.
Safflower is a drought resistant crop and can be grown in regions rceiving rainfall of about 100 mm. This crop requred cool and dry environment.
It is grown both as rainfed and irrigated crop. In Maharashtra and southern states, it is grown mainly on black cotton soils. In other parts of country, it is grown in loam and light textured soils as an irrigated crop.
Land is prepared by giving 2-3 harrowing after harvest of kharif crops. In drought prone areas land is kept fallow in kharif and safflower is grown in rabi. In such regions deep ploughing in summer followed by 2-3 harrowings are sufficient.
The seed should be treated with thirum / captain/ Bavistin @ 2.5 gm per kg of seedf before sowing to control fungus seed borne diseases. For ‘N’ fixation Azotobacter or Azospirilum @ 25 gm + PSB culture @ 25 g/kg of seed.
sowing is done by drilling with the two bowl fertilizer-cum seed drill, it enables for better placing of fertilizer basal dose and seed simultaneously in the soil.
Proper sowing time is second fortnight of september to first week of october.
In heavy soil row to row distance should be kept 60 cm and plant to plant distance is 30 cm. In medium to light soil row to row distance should be kept 45 cm and plant to plant distance is 20 cm.
optimum seed rate is 10-12 kg /ha.
a) Thinning- it is the important practice particularly in the safflower crop for avoiding unnecessary competition. Thinning is done at 10-12 days after the sowing keeping only one plant per hill. Also helps in maintaining optimum plant population.
b) Weeding and hoeing-
1) Two to three hoeing followed by one weeding first hoeing is carried out at 3 rd week of crop age. Second hoeing is carried out at 5 th week of crop age. 3 rd hoeing is carried out at 8 th week of crop age.
2) One weeding is carried out after second hoeing.
1) FYM or compost is incorporated at the time of last harrowing @ 5-6 tons/ha.
2) Safflower responds well to the nitorgenous fertilizers and hence 50 kg N and 25 kg 2O5 , 25 kg K2O are recommended dose for rainfed crop.
3) The irrigated safflower crop should receive the dose of 30 kg N + 30 kg P 2 O5/ha as basal dose and another 30 kg N/ha should be topdressed after 30 days of sowing.
Generally it is raised as the rainfed crop on residual / stored soil moisture in medium to heavy soils. Crop inthrives well if sufficient mositure is present in the soil during the initial stages of its growth i.e. up to 25 to 30 days after sowing. If the moisture is insufficient at the time sowing crop should be sown by giving presoaking irrigation. Not more than two irrigations are needed to the crop and these two irrigation should be scheduled one at 25-30 days after sowing and other 50-60 days after sowing.
Two to three hoeings followed by one weeding may be given according to weed intensity.
1) Rust Treat the seed with thirum @ 3 g/kg or Captan 2.5 g/kg seed. Grow resistant varities. Spray 0.3 % dithane M-45 at 15 days interval for 3-4 times.
2) Bacterial blight Spray streptocyclin 500 ppm of 2-3 times.
1) Safflower Caterpillar
1) Collect and destroy the catterpillars.
2) Dusting of 10% carbarly or 4% endosulfan @ 20 kg /ha .
3) Timely sowing of safflower.
2) Safflower fly
1) Affected plants are collected and destroyed.
2) Spraying 0.07 % endosulfan or 0.05% Malathion.
3) Safflower aphid
1) Spraying of Dimethoate 30 EC 0.03%.
2) Dusting of 10% Carbary or 4% endosulfan @ 20 kg /ha.
3) Timely sowing of safflower.
Topping- at the age of 30-35 days after sowing the topping of the plants are removed in order to encourage the profuse branching and greater production of flower and seed.
The crop matures in 130-135 days , yellowing of leaves and capsules is the important sign of maturity. Method of harvesting- when the crop is matured pulling the plants carries out the harvesting or cutting it close to the ground level with the help of sharp sickles early in the morning. After harvesting plants prepare asmall heaps. The plants are allowed to dry in the field for 2-3 days.
1) Then the plants are threshed in the field it self on tarpaulins by beating with the help of long wooden sticks. Winnowing then cleans the threshed material.
2) Combine harvest machine is also used for harvesting with this machine
harvesting threshing and winnowing are carried out simultaneously.
Rainfed safflower yield is 12-14 Qtls/ha
Heavy soil safflower yield is 14-16 Qtls/ha
Irrigated safflower yield is 20-25 Qtls /ha.
seed should be stored in storage bins, gunny bags and polythene bags.
safflower seed should be used for safflower oil, paints, varnishes , soap making.
1) Safflower is mainly grown for the edible oil .
2) Since it is dying oil it has industrial uses in the manufacturer of paints , varnishes, soap making, water proofing material and plastic adhesives for glass.
3) The oil cake from decoricated seed is feed to cattle and it contains 40-50 % protein.
4) The oil contains more polyunsaturated fatty acids like lineolic and olic acid it is good for heart patient to maintain low level of blood cholesterol.
5) As the natural colour is obtained from carthmine pigment and petals having medicinal value , cure rheumatism.
6) The ray and disc florets can be used as the substitute for saffron.
7) The roasted seeds can be eaten.
8) It acts as guard crop as it protects main crop against stray cattle.
9) Flower petals are used for preparation of herbal tea.
10) In early stage top portion of plant used for leafy vegetable.
Grading and cleaning , package in 30 kg bags.
Major areas in India are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. In Maharashtra safflower extensively cultivated in Solapur, Jalgaon, Latur, Usmanbad, Nanded, Akola, Vashim Aurangabad etc.
Oil miklls in India and Maharashtra and soap making companies