Oryza sativa
Improved- Karjat 184, Ratnagiri-1, Karjat-4, Ratnagiri 711, Ratna, Phule Radha, Parag, Ambika, Terana, Jaya, Phule Maval, Darana, Masuri, Suverna, Basmati 370, Indrayani, Bhogawati, Avishkar. Hybrids- Sugandha, Sahyadri-1, Sahyadri-2, Sahyadri-3, Sahyadri-4, Panvel 1,2,3
Paddy mainly cultivaated in kharif season.
Rice is tropical crop, It is cultivated in rainfed condition mainly in Maharashtra. Rice is most important rainy season crop. Average rainfall for rice crop is > 800 mm. pH should be range between 5.0 -8.0. Optimum temperature for plant growth 25 to 35 0 c and 65-70 % humidity is essential. Low temperature affect poor germination leaf discolouration and increase imperfect grain.
It is grown on variety of soil varying from light to heavy types, sandy loam, alluvials laterites, yellow to heavy black soil. Clayey loam soil is ideal soil and pH 5.0-8.5
For proper growth of rice field preparation is very important mud preperation is also very important because of that insect and pests controlled by this process. After ploughing mix 10 tones FYM /ha at the time of last harrowing. It requires two ploughing and 3-4 harrowings green manuring of dhaincha or sunnhemp is applied @ 3-5 tones/ha.
1) 30% brine solution- seed of paddy treated with 30% brine solution (3 kg salt in
10 liter of water for 2-3 minutes). Light weight or diseased seeds are discarded
and healthy seed of bottom take am wash by ordinary water. After washing dry in
shed. This treatment control the blast disease.
2) Thirum/ Captan @ 2.5 g/kg of seed as prevention against bacterial blight and blast.
3) Biofertilizer i.e. azatobacter @ 250 gm/10 kg seed for fixing the atm. N2 and to enhance the activity of nitrofixing bacteria.
Broadcasting, drilling, dibbling, transplanting and Rahu method.
Kharif - 15 th May to 30 th June
Rabi - October to November
Summer - January to February
Broadcasting = Drilling- 22.5 cm
Dibbling - distance between rows is 20 cm and distance between two plants is 15 cm.
For broad casting 35-40 kg/ha
Drilling 80-100 kg /ha
Dibbling 50-60 kg/ha
Thinning- Weeding and hoeing- weeding should be done after 15 days of transplanting with
the help of rice ratary weeder. Weeding also helps in stirring the soil and aeration of roots.
Paddy takes N in Ammonical form. Urea is organic. Use organic manures 10 tines Fym /ha green manure @ 3-5 tones /ha. Biofertilizers Azolla and BGA.
Fertilizer dose required for varieties 100 kg N: 50 kg P 2 O 5 : 50 kg K 2 O / ha
Hybrids 120 kg N: 50 kg P 2 O 5 : 50 kg K 2 O / ha Micronutrients
S = Soil application @ 25 kg sulphur
Zn= 25 kg ZnSO 4
Fe = 25 kg FeSO 4
B = 0.2 % Borax
Water requirement of rice is 90-130 cm. Maintain certain level of water in the field
Stages Depth of water
After transplanting 1-2 cm
Ground growth stage 2-3 cm
Tillering stage 3-5 cm
Primordial Initiation 5-10 cm
Flowering and grain development stage 10 cm
Water from field completely drain out by field for 10 days before harvest of the crops.
weeding should be done after 15 days of transplanting.
Spraying of Batachlor 50 EC @ 1.5 kg/ha
Spraying of thiobencarb 50 EC @ 1.5 kg/ha
Mostely kills the cyprous routandous weeds.
Blast – spraying of Copper oxychloride @ 1250 g/ha or Carbendazim @ 500 g/ha.
Bacterial leaf spot- spraying of Copper oxychloride @ 1250 g/ha or
Spraying of Carbendazim @ 500 g/ha.
1) Brown plant hopper- hopper burn symptoms is due to brown plant hoppers Spraying of Malathion @ 1000 ml in 500 lit of water per ha. Spraying of onocrotophos @ 700 ml/ha in 500 liter of water.
2) Yellow stem borer Clean cultivation is necessary. Collect & destroy stubbles of previous crop.
Release Trichogramma Japonica @ 50000/ha at the time of eggs laying.
Apply 10% phorate @ 10 kg /ha in nusery at 15 days after sowing.
3) Cut worm- Spraying of Cypermethrin @ 120 ml in 500 liter of water per ha.
The right stage of harvesting paddy is just when ear in ripe and straw is still green. Harvesting is done 25-30 days after flowering when 80-90 % grains are mature in panicle. When the panicle is press on palms the grains are seperated out.
Paddy thresher is used for high land cultivated paddy.
35-45 Qtls /ha
The produce sun dried , stored when the moisture is 10-12 % in seed.
Rice flour, Lahi, Cement , Fuel, Poultry feed, Poha
1) Rice is the most important staple food of over 2/3 population of world population.
2) Total cereal grain production is 28.42 %
3) It ranks 3 rd in number.
4) Main constituent of daily diet of people in southern and western India.
5) Other products prepared from rice
1) Parched rice= Murmura
2) Beaten rice = Poha
3) Parched Paddy= Lahi
4) other by products= Milling
6) Rice bran= feed to cattle extraction of edible oil- (18-20%)
7) Rice husk- contain silica, silica is used in manufacturing of cement
8) Rural area also used as fuel
9) Paddy straw- valuable food for animal
10) Broken rice – used as poultry feed
11) Rice contain 7-8 % protein and 78.5 % carbohydrates.
grading and cleaning package in 10 kg or 30 kg bags.
China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan. In India Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Maharashtra, West bengal, Orissa, Bihar.
Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Maharashtra