Rajma/ Ghewada
Phaseolous vulgaris
Improved varieties- Contender, Phule Suyash, Pusa Parvati, Jampa, Pencil pod, No-34, Arka Komal, Selection-2, Waghya, Pant Anupama, Phule Surekha, HPR- 35 and Varun
It is commonly cultivated in Kharif but some varieties cultivated in Rabi and Summer season for mature pods for vegetable.
1) It is cold weather crop but thrives well in the higher temperature than peas.
2) It grows well in places between 1000 to 2000 ‘m’ above the sea level.
3) It require low rainfall of abot 750-1000 mm.
4) In plain area, it is grown in winter while in hills area, it is growing in summer season.
1) It is grow on all types of soil, ranging from sandy loams to heavy clay soil.
2) It is grow best in loamy soil.
3) Very high soils are unsuitable due to more vegetative growth.
4) It is tolerant to acid soils but pH should not be lower than 5.5
One ploughing and 2 harrowings . it is growing as 2 nd crop after harvest of kharif crop. It required clodded and rough seedbed.
1) Seed is treated with 2 g thirum + 2 g Carbendisum for 1 kg seed.
There are two methods of sowing used in frenchbean - Dibbling on rideges and furrows , also flat beds and drilling by using two bowl seed drill.
Plain area 1) In kharif season month of June
2) In Rabi season in mid of september to october.
3) In summer season January to February.
4) In Hilly area- In the month of April to end of June.
Appropriate spacing should be kept by Drilling distance between two rows is 45 cm, ditance between two plant is 10 cm
Drilling distance between two rows is 30 cm, ditance between two plant is 10 cm
Dibbling distance between two rows is 45 cm, ditance between two plant is 20 cm
Optimum seed rate of french bean is 75 to 85 kg/ha.
Thinning should be done 15 to 20 days after sowing to maintain o9ptimum plant population.
Weeding and hoeing – two hoeings and 1 weeding should be carried out pulling of weeds as and when appeared in field .
At the time of sowing apply 30 kg N and 80 kg P2O5 (170 kg DAP) and apply after 20 days of sowing removing half quantity N i.e. 30 kg
Frenchbean is most irrigation responsive pulse crop due to its shallow root system and high nutrient requirement. It needs 3-4 irrgations. Interval between two irrigation is 25 days.
Pulling of weeds as and when appeared. After sowing keep 30-45 days weed free field.
Root rot, Anthracnose, leaf spot, Leaf blight- Sprayijng of Carbendizum 500 gm in 500 liter water.
Aphids , Jassids, Sucking pest, Leaf eating catter piller – Sprying Dimethoate 50 ml in 10 liter of water.
Training give support with long wooden poles for climbining type of varieties of beans during 2.5 to 3 months age of crop.
Green pod purpose (vegetable). It is generally harvested before pods are fully grown and seeds are still small. All the varieties should be harvested before the seeds reach full size. Picking is done by hand.
For dry grain purpose- harvesting should be done as soon as large percentage of pods are fully matured and turn yellow colour. Crop matured with 90-110 days after sowing. Threshing should be done with the help of sticks.
Green pods average yield 60-120 Qtls/ha Average yield dry seeds 12-18 Qtls/ha
Storage dried seeds in storage bins, Gunny bags, polythene bags
Important vegetable crop, dry seeds for vegetable, Biscuits
1) Important vegetable crop throughout India.
2) Green pods are used for vegetable purpose. Matured pods are also used for vegetable purpose.
3) Dried seeds are cooked as a whole for vegetable as a special dish or canned in sauce.
4) Grain contain 22.9 % protein, 1.3 % fat, 60.6 % carbohydrates, Minerals, Calcium and iron.
5) It is highly palatable.
6) It improve the fertility of soil.
7) It is popular in Kitchen garden.
8) It is great deman in cities.
grading and cleaning package in 30 kg bags.
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra In Maharashtra state -Satara, Sangli, Pune, Kolhapur.