Pigeon pea

Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Cajanus cajan

Improved Varities and Hybrids

ICPL 87, Phule Vipula, BSMR 736, TV 21, ICPL 151, BDN-1, BDN-2, AKT 8811,  Amol, TV 21, ICPL-151, BDN-1, BDN-2 Hybrid- ICPH-8

Season for Sowing /Planting

Red gram mainly cultivated in kharif season.

Climate Requirement

Tur is important crop in kharif season. It is well grown in 21 0 c to 25 0 c temperature.

Soil Requirement

medium to heavy soil, well drained soil is very important for this crop. It is grown in wide range of soil but best in vertisoil. Black fertile , well drained soil is suitable for this crop. pH range is 6.5 to 7.5.

Field Preparation

One ploughing after harvest of previous crop. After heating of field eggs and insects were destroyed. Two harrowing are enough to prepare seedbed.

Seed Treatment

Before sowing seed treated with 2 g Thirum + 2 g Carbendizum or 5 g Tricoderma / kg seed of red gram. And 250 g Rhizobium 10 kg seed of red gram treated to the weed with jaggarey liquid.

Nursery Management
Methods Of Sowing

Seed of red gram is generally sown by drilling method with two bowl seed drill or by dropping the seeds behind plough furrow.

Sowing Time

Proper time of sowing of red gram is 15 th June to 10 th July

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

45 cm between the row and 10 cm between plant.

Plant Population

Optimum plant population of red gram is 10 -15 plants /m 2 .

Seed Rate

Average seed rate is 18 to 20 kg /ha

Inter culturing operations

Thinning- 1 st thinning is carried out 10-12 days after sowing and 2 nd thinning is carried out 20 days after sowing. Weeding and hoeing- In this crop 15 to 20 days after sowing weeding and hoeing is carried out. For maximum yield after sowing 30-45 days keep field weed free.

Nutrient Management

Add 5-6 tones FYM per hectare. At the time os sowing give 25 kg N 50 kg P2O5 (125 kg DAP at the time of sowing)

Water Management - methods of irrigations

Tur is pulse crop. But if there is no rain then give first irrigation 30-35 days after sowing , second 60-70days after sowing (flowering stage) and at the time of pod filling.

Weed Management

For the control of weed spraying at the time of sowing Basalin 2.5 lit. /ha in 500 lit of water.

Disease Management

Sterility masaic (SM) , Fusarium wilt, Phytopthora blight (PB) and Alternaria blight are important diseases on pigeon pea 

1) The mixed crop of pigeon pea and sorghum or rotation with sorghum or tobacco or fallow for 1 to 2 years reduces the incidence of wilt.

2) Sowing of resistance varieites.

3) Green manuring with sunhemp or soil application of ZN reduces the incidence

4) Seed treatment with 10 % aldicarts protects the crop against sterility masaic.

5) Powdery mildew can be serious disease in pigeon pea growing areas in the semi arid regions. This can be controlled by sulphur dusting at 30 kg/ha.

Insect and Pest management

1) Pod borer

a) Pigeon pea intercropped with sorghum had less infestation of pod borer.

b) Spraying insecticide like Endosulphan 0.07 % or Malathion 0.05 % or  Carbaryl (0.1%) protection against this pest.

2) Pod fly- spraying of 0.04% monocrotophos or 0.03 % dimethoate.

3) Hairy catterlillars- it can be controlled by dusting 10 % BHC at 25 kg/ha or 0.06 % Diazinon.

Biological control

1) Tricoderma / HNPV

2) Flowering stage first spraying of Niboli Arc 5% 25 kg /ha. 2 nd spraying after 12-15 days of 1 st spraying.

Special Information


Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Harvesting is done after pods become dry. Harvesting is done by cutting the plant close to the ground level with sharp sickle.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Threshing is done either by beating the plants with sticks or by trampling under the feet of bullocks. Threshing is also done with mechanical thresher. Cleaning of economic produce by winnowing of and drying 3-4 day in sun drying.


Average yield 18-20 Q/ha


Storage bins , Gunney bags, Polythene bags. Mix neem leaves with tur seeds to protect from insects and pests.

Post harvest Technology

Dal, green seed vegetable, crushed dry seeds as animal feed and green leaves used as a fodder.

Economic Importance

It is primarily used as dal while the tender green seeds are consumed as vegetable crushed dry seeds as animal feed and fgreen leaves as fodder. The stems are ised as fuel wood and to make huts , baskets etc. The leaves can be used to feed silkworms and plants are used to culture lac producing insects. On mountain slopes it reduces soil erosion and permits multiples harvests and bowsing. It serves as wind break and live fence or as green manure. Red gram can be processed by canning and freezing for export purpose. In Venezuela local soft drink known as Chicha is made from pigeon pea.

Processing and Packaging

Grading and cleaning, package in 30 kg bags.

Major production areas in India

Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhy pradesh, Punjab, Hariyanam Gujarat

Major Markets in India

All the cities in India and all the districts in maharashtra.

Export Opportunities