
Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Carica papaya

Improved Varities and Hybrids

Improved varieties – Washington, CO-2, CO-7, Pusa Majestic, Pusa delitious, Solo

Season for Sowing /Planting

The time of sowing depends upon the choice of fruiting season and avoide fruiting period in heavy rains and frost.

Climate Requirement

Papaya is tropical plant, very sensitive to frost. Optimum temperature required between  25-30 0c and minimum 16 0c. The suitable pH value should be between 6 - 6.5. Papaya does not like strong, cool, hot , dry climate. It is better to grows in sheltered but full sunshine place.

Soil Requirement

The well drained or sandy loam soil with adequate organic matter is most important for the papaya cultivation. In high rainfall area if drainage is poor and roots are continuously drenched for 24 to 48 hrs. It may cause the death of the plants. Sticky and calcarious soils are not good as rain water may accumulate in the soil even only for a few hrs. In this case higher raised bed and drainage ditch are recommended.

Field Preparation

First prepared seedling on raised bed then transplant the seedlings in 30 x 30 x 30 cmpits. Add 250 gm super phosphate, 1 kg FYM and soil or 2.5 to 3 m ridges apply 250 gm super phosphate 200 gm NPK after transplanting 1,3,5,7 months.

1) Plastic bag or soft plastic pot sowing- 8-9 cm wide and 8 cm high plastic pot is used for raising seedling. Drainage hole is required. Fill with mixture of sandy loam virgin soil and sand in 3: 1 ratio. Sow 1 or 2 seeds each bag.Cover the bags or pots with plastic film. Keep the air fresh and moist and remove then cover gradually for fitting the seedling under the sunshine.

2) Seedling tray sowing- The use of plastic seedling tray. The tray size may be 74 to 82 holes at 4.5 cm each diameter. Sow 1 to 2 seeds in each hole and cover the layer of media.

Seed Treatment

Seeds are dipped in humic acid (Humicid) 2.5 to 5.0  ml per liter of water dipped for 5-10 minutes. It increases 10 % of germination of seed.

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

It may be sown directly but normally it is better to seeded to raise seedlings and transplated.

Sowing Time

Time of sowing depends upon the choice of fruiting season . Papaya is planted during February – March (spring) and monsoon June- July and Autumn (October –November0

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

Appropriate spacing 2.25 x 2.25 m/ha  or 1.8 x 1.8 m is normally followed.

Plant Population

2000 plants are required to maintain.

Seed Rate

Average seed rate 50-80 g seeds per hectare (1 g contains about 50-80 seeds mostly 65-75 seeds)

Inter culturing operations

A well drained upland is selected for cultivation. In open and high lying areas plants are exposed to strong winds or storm therfore for proper establishment of papayaplantation suitable wind break should be planted at the orchard boundary.  

Nutrient Management

Papaya plants needs heavy doses of manures and fertilizers. Apply in the pits 200-250 gm N, P, K are recommended for getting high yield. Under irrigated condition 400 gm N, 250 gm P and 400 gm K per plant.

Water Management - methods of irrigations

The irrigation schedule is fixed on the basis of soil type and weather conditions. Protective irrigation is provided in the first year of planting. During the second year irrigation is provided at fortnightly interval in winter and 10 days in summer . In areas having low rainfall sprinkler or drip system can be adopted.

Weed Management

Apply weedicide like Dithane M-45, 2-4-D or Atrazine .

Disease Management

Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Damping off and stem rot- application of wettable sulphur (1 gm /lit) Carbendazim/ Thiophanate methyl (1 gm /lit) and Kavach/ Mancozeb (2 gm /lit) has been found to be effective.)

Insect and Pest management

Fruit flies, grasshoppers, Aphids, Red spider mite, Stem borer, Grey weevil- Infected parts need to be destroyed along with application of Prophylactic sprays of Dimethoate (0.3%) or Methyl demeton (0.05%).

Special Information


Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Fruits are graded on the basis of their weight size and colour. A good crop may fail if harvesting of fruits is not done properly dur to perishable nature of fruits. The fruits should be left on the tree until they mature fully. Fruits are harvested whenn they are full size, light green with tinge of yellow at apical end.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Average yield  of papaya 50 to 75 fruits /plant


papaya fruits at colour turning can be stored at 7 0c which will have normal ripening. Shelf life of fruit is also extended by storing at 13 0c with 1 to 1.5 % oxygen.

Post harvest Technology

Fruit, Papain

Economic Importance

Papaya is popular fruit famous for its nutritive and medicinal value. Forth important crop of this region. It has been use as vegetable, fruit processing and papain production at immature stage. It can be highly profitable crop now.

Processing and Packaging

Papaya fruits are easily perishable care should be taken to wrap the individual fruits in paper and finally packed in wooden crates surrounded by soft material all round and saw dust specially on the bottom.

Major production areas in India

Barazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia, China, Peru, Thailand and Phillippines.

Major Markets in India

Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Maharashtra.

Export Opportunities

