
Local Name


Family Name


Botanical Name

Guizotia abysinnica

Improved Varities and Hybrids

Sahyadri (IQO-76), N-12-3, No 71, Phule karala (IGPN-2004-01), N-5, Ootacamand

Season for Sowing /Planting

Kharif season is proper for sowing of niger crop.

Climate Requirement

Niger is temperate region crop and grows well in a semi tropical climate. It is short day plant, Moderare temperature is 18-23 0c. Niger tolerate water logged condition.

Soil Requirement

grown on wide range of soil. Sandy to deep clay loam. Well drained , clay loam is ideal for niger crop. It prefers light texture soils, can’t tolerate in salinity and alkalinity. ph should be range in between 5.2 to 7.3.

Field Preparation

Well drained soil is used for this crop. One ploughing and one harrowing is used for niger crop. Apply 4 tonees FYM /ha at the time of last harrowing.

Seed Treatment

Seed treated with Thiram @ 3 gm /kg to protect from soil and seed borne disease.

Nursery Management
Methods Of Sowing

Drilling method is used for sowing of niger seed. Seed size is very small therefore before sowing seed is mixed with sand or well powdered FYM for even distribution.

Sowing Time

Optimum time for sowing is 2nd week of June to 2nd week of July. In high rainfall area sowing should be done upto August.

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

Distance between two rows is 30 cm and distance between two plant is 15 cm.

Plant Population
Seed Rate

Average seed rate for sowing of niger is 5 kg /ha.

Inter culturing operations

Weeding should be done whenever necessary and keep plot weed free.

Nutrient Management

Apply FYM 4 Tones /ha before sowing. Apply 20 kg N  in that half N at the time of sowing and remaining half N 30 days after sowing.

Water Management - methods of irrigations

Methods of Irrigation- Flood  irrigation This crop is rarely irrigated at seedling stage.

Weed Management

One hoeing and one hand weeding is necessary. Pre emergence spraying of Pendimethalin @ 0.75 kg.

Disease Management

Damping off, Root/ stem/ head rot, leaf spot Alternaria and Powdery mildew- Spraying of Carbendezim 

Insect and Pest management

Jassids, Heliothisd , leaf eating catter piller and head damaging pest

 Spraying of Rogar, Malathion 1.5 to 2.0 ml in 1 liter of water.

Special Information

Harvesting should be done at proper time to avoid shattering.

Proper stage of crop for harvesting

Proper stage of crop for harvesting When leaves becomes dry and heads turns black in colour. Harvesting is done by cutting plant at ground level and bundles and brought to threshing yeard. 

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

Bundles stacked on the threshing floor for drying one week. Threshing is done by beating with stick.Seed is sepearated by winnowing. 


4-5 Qtls /ha


stored  after packing in 5 kg or 10 kg polythene or gunny bags. 

Post harvest Technology

Oil, Soap Industry, Masala and chatany.

Economic Importance

1) Used for extraction of oil (75%) however also use for food purpose (18%).

2) Niger seed contains 35-40% oil.

3) Niger oil is subjective to oxidative rancidation rendering its keeping quality poor due to high amount of fatty acids i.e. Oleic acid (38%) and linoleic acid (51%).

4) Oil is used for culinary purposes, anoiting body, manufacturing of soap, cosmetics industry etc. 

5) Also used is pharmaceutical purposes.

6) Oil is good absorbent of fragrance of flower due to which it is used as base oil by perfume industry.

7) Niger cake is also serve as valuable food for cattle.

8) It also use as manure also grown as green manuring crop. 

Processing and Packaging

Oil Industry, perfume industry, Masala

Major production areas in India

Major Markets in India

Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

Export Opportunities


