Zea mays
Improved varieties- Manjari Composite, Kiran, Kisan, Panchaganga, Karveer, Shakti
Hybrids- Deccan 103, Deccan 105, Ganga 11, Trishulata, JK 2492, Pro 310, 311,312, Bio 9681, Seed tech 2324, KH 9451, Bio 9637, Sartaj, Rajarshri, HQPM 7
Different types of maize
1) Dent corn 2) Flint corn 3) Sweet corn 4) Baby corn
Maize is suitable for commercial cultivation in Kharif, Rabi, and summer
This crop grown in tropical as well as temperate region. Warm weather crop grown from sea level to as high as 3000 m altitude. It grown through out the year.Suitable temperature for germination 220c and for growth 320c and soil temperature of 26-29oc is required for germination and seedling growth. Optimum temperature required during tasseling stage is 21 to 300c . The crop cannot withstand in frost at any temperature.
grows on wide range of soil. Water stagnation is harmful and proper drainage is required. Maize cannot throve on heavy soils escecially low lands. Maize grows best on well drained, fertile medium soils which rich in organic matter and avail loamy soils are ideal for maize cultivation. Optimum pH of soil required between 6.5 to 7.5.
Maize required fine and compact seed bed one deep ploughing upto 15-20 cm depth should be given immediately after harvest of previous crops. Cold crushing and 2-3 harrowing are necessary. The stubbles of previous crops should be removed before last harrowing for smooth sowing operation. Open ridges and furrows at 60 cm apart for early vairites and 75 cm apart for middle and late varieties.
i) Seed treatment with thirum @ 2.5 g/kg of seed to control seed born diseased like seedling blight.
ii) Seed treated with Azotobactor @ 250 g/kg of seed for enhancing activity of N2 fixing bacteria.
1) Dibbling of maize gives better results than drilling. Two seeds dibblied at one side of ridge at 1/3 height from base at one side of ridge at distance of 20 cm.
2) Sowing of seed by using seed drill and flat bed should be prepared.
proper sowing or planting time of maize
Kharif - June to 15th July
Rabi - 15th October to 15th November
Summer - January to 15th February
1) Early varieties= Distance between two rows is 60 cm and
Distance between two plant is 20 cm
2) Mid late and late varieties- Distance between two rows is 75 cm and
Distance between two plant is 20- 25 cm
optimum seed rate is 15 to 20 kg /ha
Early maturity varieties optimum plant should be – 83,333 plants/ha
Mid late and late maturity and hybrids = 66,666 plants /ha
Thinning- should be done twice i) 10 days after sowing ii) 20 days after sowing. During thinning insect and disease affected plants should be removed and keep only healthy plants per hill.Gap filling- to maintain optimum plant population should be done after germination i.e. 8-10 days after sowing.
Weeding and hoeing
2-3 hoeings are necessary in case of sowing maize by drilling
2-3 hand weedings are given at interval of 10-15 days.
The light earthing up should be given to crop after last weeding and soil support is given to the plant to avoid lodging of plant due to heavy load.
No interculturing should be given after flowering as it is damages the lateral roots of plants.
1) Apply 10 tons/ha FYM before last harrowing.
2) At the time of sowing apply 40 N , 60 P2O5 and 40 K2O dose of fertilizer after 30 days of sowing, apply only 40 kg N and 40-45 days after sowing, apply remaining 40 kg N. Total dose of fertilizer required 120 : 60 : 40. If zinc deficiency then apply 20-25 kg zinc sulphate at the time of sowing or manuring.
Following Irrigation schedule should be
1) Seedling stage ( 20-40 days) after sowing.
2) Flowering stage (40-60 days) after sowing
3) Grain developing (70-80 days) after sowing.
1) Pre emergence application of atrazine @ 2 kg /ha in 500 lit of water.
2) Weeding done whenever is necessary.
1) Stem borer- spraying of Endosulphan 15 ml in 10 lit of water.
2) Army worm- dusting of 2% Methyl parathion 20-25 kg/ha.
3) Aphids and Jassids- spraying of Rogar 30% , 10 ml or Monocrotophos 36% 10 ml in 10 lit of water.
Sign of maturity
1) Grains become hard.
2) Moisture content in grain less than 20%.
3) Yellowing of leaves and peduncle.
The cobs are harvested and dried for 3-4 days in sunlight on threshing yard.
The grains from cobs are removed by mechanical maize sheller and cleaning of grains by winnowing and dry them 1 or 2 days in sunlight.
Kharif Maize- 70-75 Qtls./ha.
Rabi Maize- 95-100 Qtls./ha.
1) Storage of grain in storage bins.
2) 30 kg gunny bags or polythene bags.
Popcorn, flour, starch, dextrose, corn syrup, corn flacks etc.
1) Maize is formost important crop accounting to 31.98% of all cereal production worldwide.
2) In India at present the 35% of maize produced in the country is used for human consumption, 25% for poultry feed, remaining 25% for cattle feed and 15% for food processing and other Industries (Starch Industry, Dextrose powder , Corn syrup).
3) Important for not only diversified uses but also it valued for high production i.e. it gives high yield potential because it is C4 plant.
4) It is grown round the year and many uses that’s why it is called as ‘Queen of cereals’ and ‘King of forage’.
5) Green fodder used for making sylage making.
6) Also grown for preparing roasted cobs.
7) Maize grain contains 10% proteins, 4% oil, 70 % CHO, 10.4% albuminoids , 2-3 % Crude fibre, and 1.3% ash.
8) It has significant amount of Vit A, Nicotinic acid Riboflavine , Vit E and Phospohrous.
9) The processing and milling Industries are mostly based on maize products and biproducts.
grading and cleaning and packed in 30 kg bags.
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh, Andhra pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
In Maharashtra western Maharashtra, Marathwada and Vidarbha regions.
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh, Andhra pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat,