Kapus, Kapas

Local Name

Kapus, Kapas

Family Name


Botanical Name

 Gossypium spp.

 Old world cotton

 G. arboreum

 G. herbaceum  New world cotton

 G. hirsutum

 G. barbadense


Improved Varities and Hybrids

Improved- LRA 5166, JLH-168, Phule 688, Phule JLH 794 Hybrid- H-10, NHH-44, Phule 492, Phule 388,H- 4,Varlaximi BT Hybrid- Rashi-2, Shakti-9, Sai, Ankur-9, 651, Ajit 11, Ajit 155, KDCH-441, Tulsi-4, Varun, Durga, Banni, Malika, NHH-44 (BT)

Season for Sowing /Planting

Kharif and summer seasons for sowing of cotton crop.

Climate Requirement

1) It is tropical and sub tropical crop.

2) It cannot tolerate high rain and dry period for long period particularly flowering and fruiting stages.

3) Most humid cloudy environment is harmfulk because it may reduce yield and affect quality of finalk produce due to pest and diseases.

4) For germination of seed 18 to 20 0 c temperature , vegetative growth 21 o c and

fruiting stage 21 0 c – 30 o c and cool night more. For cotton optimum temperature 15 – 35 o c minimum seasonal rainfall required 50 cm.

Soil Requirement

1) Cotton can be successfully grown on all types of soil except sandy, saline and water logging soil.

2) It can be grown all types of soils.

3) pH of soil should be between 5.5 -8.5.

4) Black cotton soil is ideal soil for rainfed cotton. In Northern India alluvial soil is ideal soil.

5) Cotton is deep rooted soil hence soil have minimum depth of 90 cm.

Field Preparation

One deep ploughing and 2-3 harrowings are necessary for cotton. Clod crushing is also necessary , collect branches leaves and all other things of previous crops and keep clean field. Apply 25 CL of compost . Ridges on 90 cm distance. Ridges should not so deep , length of ridges should be 6-8 m.

Seed Treatment

Cotton seed due to presence of fuzz on seed coat may be entangle with each other which causes incovenience in sowing operation. In order to this cotton is treated with following seed treatments.

1) Cow dung paste- equal amount of soil and cow dung mix with water to prepare

paste and this paste mixed with seed and rubbed with stick. After rubbing seeds are dried in shed.

2) Acid delinting- 5% sulphuric acid stirr with seed till all fuzz burn for about 2 min and then wash seed with fresh water and dry it.

3) Thiram / Captan Seed is treated with thiram / Captan @ 3 gm per kg seed to control bacterial leaf blight.

4) Azotobacter or Azospirillum 250 gm/10 kg of seed to enhancing the nitrifying bacteria for fixation of atm. N2 in soil.

Nursery Management


Methods Of Sowing

Dry land cotton method of sowing used drilling or dibbling and irrigated cotton sowing by dibbling.

Sowing Time

Proper time of sowing for rainfed cotton= Mansoon 2 nd fornight of June Irrigated cotton = khandesh, Vidarbha, Marathwada = 2 nd fortnight of May

Spacing ( cm) (Row X Planting)

Improved varieties= 90 x 60 cm should be kept.

Hybrid varites = 90 x 90 or 90 x 120 cm should be kept.

Plant Population

Optimum Plant population when spacing

90x 60 = 18518 plants /ha

90 x 90 = 12,345 plants /ha

90 x 120 = 9259 plants /ha

Seed Rate

(kg/ha) –

Average seed rate for

American cotton varities avarage seed rate required= 8-10 kg /ha

Hybrid varietes = 2.5- 3 kg /ha

Deshi cotton Varietes= 12-15 kg/ha

Inter culturing operations

1) Inter culturing operations

1) Gap filling is done after emmergence of seedlings (after 10 days)

2) These field show uneven growth of plant in order to avoid these seedlings are

grown in bag in 22 x 15 cm. In one bag 2-3 seeds are sown.

3) 250 – 300 bags are sufficient for 1 acre area. Thinning- if there are excess plant in field keep only one helthy plant at one hill at

15 days after sowing. Upto 60 days keep field weed free.

Nutrient Management

25 Cart load of FYM /ha is given at the time of last harrowing.Dose of chemical

fertilizers is as follows

Irrigated cotton                                  N  P  K

At sowing (20%)                                 20 50 50

20 days after sowing (40%)             40

60 days after sowing (40%)             40


Total                                                    100 50 50

Improved varieties                              N  P  K

At sowing (20%)                                  16  40  40

20 days after sowing (40%)               32

60 days after sowing (40%)                32


Total                                                         80 40 40


Water Management - methods of irrigations

1) Water requirement of cotton is 80-90 ha.cm

2) During initial period of crop growth require little or light irrigation is done at sowing time of before 3-4 days and after dibbling 4-5 days.

3) Sub sequent 2-3 irrigations given 8-10 days interval. Vegetative stage, flowering stage, Boll filling and maturation stages needs water.

Weed Management

1) Spraying of Pendimethalin 1.5 lit in 500 liter water before emergence of seed.

2) After sowing 10-35 days Cuzolofopethil 1.5 liter in 500 liter water.

Disease Management

1) leaf spot- spraying of copper oxychloride 1500 gm in 500 lit of water. Streptocydin 60 gm in 500 lit of water.

2) Bacterial leaf blight= spraying of streptocyclin @ 100 ppm in 10 days interval.

3) Furarium wilt, Root root Seed treatment with thiram @ 3 gm /kg of seed , Use resistant varieties culivation

Insect and Pest management

Sucking pests, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips- dimethoate, Monocrotophos . Biopesticides - Spraying of Nimboli arc, Release of Crysopa eggs @ 50000/ha American boll worm, Spotted boll worm, Pink boll worm- Release of Crysopa eggs @ 50000/ha, Spraying of HNPV virus @ 500 ml/ha. Use of Pheromone traps or spraying of Profenophos @ 500 gm/ha or Chloropyriphos @ 500 ml/ha.

Special Information


Proper stage of crop for harvesting

1) Proper stage of crop for harvesting Getting the better quality of cotton the harvesting is done 30-35 % the balls are open. Harvesting should be done when bolls are fully opens. First picking should be done 30-35% bolls opened. Subsequent 2-3 pickings Should be done after 2-3 weeks intervals.

Thrushing, Cleaning, and drying

After picking cotton should allow to dry 3-4 days in sunlight and then stored in dry place.


Average yield of Irrigated improved varieties = 20-24 Qtls/ha and Hybrid varieties = 25-30 Qtls/ha , Rainfed cotton varieties = 6-8 Qtls/ha


Dry in field and stored in gunny bags in clean place.

Post harvest Technology

Ginning , Cloth Industry, Seed oil, Oil cake

Economic Importance

1) It is also called as white gold. It plays prominent role in national and internations economy.

2) It is used for manufacturing of cloth threads for human mankind.

3) It is valuable concentrate for cattle.

4) It is also used as extracting of oil. It contain 15-25% oil.

5) It contain 20% protein and 20% CHO.

6) It contain alkaloids like Gossypol.

7) Cotton seed oil is mostly used for manufacturing margarine, soap, explosive paints, water proofing material, rubber plastics , insecticides and fungicides.

8) Biproducts cotton seed cake used as organic manure it contain 6% N 3% P 2% K.

9) Lint is used as absorbent, cotton, surgical dressing.

Processing and Packaging

Grading, cleaning and then stored in dry places, Ginning Industry, Oil ,Paints etc.

Major production areas in India

USA, China, India, Brazil, Greece, Australia, Pakistan, Egypt

India- Punjab, haryana, Rajasthan, Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh In Maharashtra- Western Maharashtra, Khandesh, Marathwada, Vidarbha

Major Markets in India


Export Opportunities


