Zingiber officinalis
Improved Varites :- Mahim, Puna, Yanad, Mokya, Aangra, Rio-d-Janero, Chini, Kaliakt, Karakkal, Nadia and Narasapattam.
Mother sets of ginger can be planted from month of May up to middle of June.
1) Ginger requires warm and humid climate.
2) It grows well in areas with annual rainfall between 125 to 250 cm.
3) Cultivated upto 1500 m above sea level.
4) Cool and dry climate is best for rhizome development.
5) Shade loving plant and requires ample moisture for normal growth.
Deep well drained friable, loamy soil is ideal for ginger crop. Crop does not thrive well in alkaline soil. Ginger does not grow in the same field year after year.
1) Land is ploughed 2 times in summer to a depth 15 to 20 cm.
2) Clod crushing is necessary with Norwegian harrow.
3) 3-4 harrowings are given to make soil loose and friable.
4) 25-30 tones FYM / Compost is applied before last harrowing.
Seed (Rhizomes) treated with thiram (75% 25 gm in 10 liter water) for 10 minutes before ½ hours sowing time. Or Quinophos 25 EC (20 ml) + Carbendizum 50% WP 15 g in 10 liter water for 20 minutes.
Planting of seeds ( mother sets) on flat bed or raise bed.
Proper time planting mother sets of ginger 2 nd fortnight of May upto middle of June.
Planting of ginger on flat be distance is 25 x 22.5 cm or 20 x 20 cm.
Average seed rate for ginger ( mother sets) is 1500 kg seed /ha (Rhizome)
Inter culturing operations- it is followed in rainfed crop to prevent weed growth for protection from sun, preventing evaposration losses to maintain soil temperature.
Weeding- the plot is kept clean by hand weeding during first 4-6 weeks. Depending upon intensity of weeds 5-6 weedings are given to have a better yield. Earthing up should be done at proper time.
Apply 25 to 30 cart load of FYM / Compost at the time of last harrowing. 150 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O . ½ N , P and K give at the time of sowing and remaining ¼ N after 45 days and ¼ N after 120 days after sowing. Seed treated with Axzatobacter or Azospirillum before planting.
1) First irrigation is given immediately after planting.
2) Subsequent irrigations are given at 10 days intervals.
3) Total 16-18 irrigations are requaried
4) Water requirement for this crop is 90-100
Keep field weed free. Weeding should be done whenever necessary.
Major disease of ginger is root rot. Used disease free rhizomes for planting. Leaf spot- spraying of 1250 gm Copper Oxychloride or Zirum 80 WDP or Dithane Z 78 in 500 liter of water.
Stem fly / Rhizomes Fly- Quinolphos 5% or Phorate 10% 20 kg/ ha mixed in soil and give water.
mixed cropping in ginger with french bean or cluster bean or raddish or chilli. Its more profitable with chilli crop.
1) For green ginger harvesting is done 210-215 days after planting.
2) For curing purpose , harvesting is done 245-260 days after planting when the leaves start yellowing and pseudo stem begins to dry.
3) The rhizomes are lifted either with digging fork or using kudali and are cleaned off the roots and adhering soil particles.
1) For green ginger harvesting is done 210-215 days after planting.
2) For curing purpose , harvesting is done 245-260 days after planting when the leaves start yellowing and pseudo stem begins to dry.
3) The rhizomes are lifted either with digging fork or using kudali and are cleaned off the roots and adhering soil particles.
Average yield 10-15 tones /ha for green ginger (Green rhizomes) 15-20 % of Cured ginger of fresh produce.
green ginger after harvesting send it to the market immediately. From green ginger curing is done.
From green ginger curing process is done. For making curine following method are used
1) Sodakhar Mishran Method
2) Malbari Method
3) Oil Making
1) Ginger is used for making spices.
2) Ginger is hot in taste it is used for digestion.
3) For cough ginger juice with sugar.
From ginger curine powder, oil
Jameka, India, China, Africa, In India :- Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh.